19.11.2010 |
Vienna Book Fair. Literaturcafe. At 14.45. Hauptbuecherei am
Guertel. At 19.30. Moderator Alexander |
17.11.2010 |
Graz. Literaturhaus. At 20.00. |
16.11.2010 |
Innsbruck. Literaturhaus. At 19.30. |
15.11.2010 |
Salzburg. Literaturhaus. At 19.30. |
3.10 - 13.11.2010 |
Oksana Zabuzhko a guest of the International Cultural Centreat Saorge, France |
24-26.09.2010 |
Presentation of The Museum of Abondoned Secrets at theInternational Literary Festival in Berlin
17-18.09.2010 |
Oksana Zabuzhko at Lviv Book Fair. Reading and talk in the
National Philarmony Hall. Sep, 19, at 20.00.
25.05.2010 |
Discussion on The Museum of Abandoned Secrets with the students of the Institute of Philology at Kyiv Shevchenko National University (Shevchenko boulevard, 14). Starts at 13.00. |
20.05.2010 |
"Oksana Zabuzhko Reads Her Poetry". CD Presentation. Dim Khudozhnyka (Lvivs'ka Sq., 1-5), Kyiv. Starts at 19.00. |
13.05.2010 |
Reading and Talk at Selexyz Bookstore in Haage. De Passage, 39. Hrs.: 14.00-16.00. |
03.05.2010 |
Interview-on-stage at the XVIth National Seminar for the Young Authors. Moderator Rostyslav Semkiv. Retreat House Ehergija, Vorzel. Hrs.: 17.00 -19.00. |
24.04.2010 |
Press-conference and CD presentation "Oksana Zabuzhko Reads Her Poetry" in Chernivtsi. Olha Kobylianska Theatre, foyer. Starts at 16.00. |
30.03.2010 |
Public discussion on "The Museum of Abandoned Secrets" with the
author on stage. National Literature Museum (Kyiv, Khmelnytskoho 11).
Starts at 14.00. |
24.03.2010 |
Reading and talk at Café Literatka. Wroclaw, Poland. Pl. Rynek,
56/57. 18.00. |
18.03.2010 |
Oksana Zabuzhko – Guest of Honour at European Business Association PR Committee in Kyiv (Andrijivsky uzviz, 1A). Meeting starts at 16.30. |
4.03.2010 |
“Life professional or private? A new woman’s choice”. Discussion with Regine Deforges (France) and Oksana Zabuzhko (Ukraine) after Lea Fazer’s film “Notre univers impitoyable” (France). Kyiv Cinema House, Saksahanskoho str., 6. 18.30. |
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27.01.2010 |
Kharkiv: Press-conference at Maidan Svobody press-centre. 13.00-14.00. Talk
and reading at “Bommer” Cinema House (Poltavskyj shliakh, 6). 17.00. Book signing at the “Ye” bookstore (Sumska str., 3). 19.30. |
22.01.2010 |
Lviv: Presentation at the “Ye” bookstore (Prosp.Svobody, 7). 18.30. |
21.01.2010 |
Ivano-Frankivsk: Presentation at the “Ye” bookstore (Nezalezhnosti, 31). 18.30. |
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23.12.2009 |
Press-conference. UNIAN Agency (Khreshchatyk, 4). 15.30 |
23.12.2009 |
Book-launch party. Art-cafe "Azbuka" (Saksahanskoho str., 38). 19.00. |
26.12.2009 |
Reading at the "Ye" bookstore (Lysenka str., 3). 16.00 |
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19.11.2009 |
"The Death of Don Juan: Modernism, Feminism, Nationalism - Rethinking Ukrainian Literature". J.B.Rudnytsky Lecture. Elizabeth Dafoe Library, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. 7 p.m. |
20.11.2009 |
awarding Oksana Zabuzhko with the 2008 Antonovych Foundation Prize. Embassy of Ukraine in the USA, 3350 M Street NW Washington, DC. Official ceremony starts at 7 p.m. |
26.11.2009 |
“Being a Writer in Contemporary Ukraine: The Choice Between Command and Freedom”. Munk Centre for International Studies. University of Toronto. 1, Devonshire Ave., Toronto, Canada. Starts at 12.00. |
27.11.2009 |
“New Ukrainian Literature: Identity Search” (in Ukrainian) Shevchenko Scientific Society, Bloor West, Toronto, Canada. 7 p.m. |
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19.09.2009 |
Reading at Witkacy Theatre in Zakopane (Poland), at
21.00. Moderator Katarzyna Kotynska. |
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10.09.-16.10.2009 |
Oksana Zabuzhko is a guest of Willa Deciusz (Krakow,
Poland). |
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24.08.2009 |
Reading at Literary&Music Festival "Independence Day
with Makhno" (Huliajpole, Zaporizhian obl.). At 16.15. |
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24.04.2009 |
Literary discussion "Erinnerungen - Spuren": Cecile Wajsbrot,
Tanja Dueckers, Oksana Zabuzhko. Temporaere Kunsthalle Berlin, at 19.30.
Berlin, Germany. |
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22.04.2009 |
Classics are back! Learn more about Oksana Zabuzhko's favourite
women writers. Bookstore "YE", Lysenka, 3, Kyiv. At 18.00. |
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17 - 18.04.2009 |
Oksana Zabuzhko is a guest of The International Book Fair
Expolibro (Bari, Italy). |
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03.04.2009 |
Oksana Zabuzhko reads from her work and answers readers'
questions: Palace of Children and Youth, Dnipropetrovsk. At 19.00. |
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1.03.-31.03.2009 |
Oksana Zabuzhko is a guest of Art Center Villa Straeuli
(Winterthur, Switzerland) |
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24.02.2009 |
Reading and interview-on-stage at the Drahomanov National
Teachers' University (Kyiv). |
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19.02-22.02.2009 |
Participant at Symposium "Wechselstrom. Frauen im mittel-
und osteuropaeischen Literaturbetrieb" (Berlin). |
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15.09.2008 |
Field Workd in Ukrainian Literature. Talk and reading at the
University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland). |
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3.09.2008 |
Reading from "Feldstudien Uber ukrainischen Sex" and "Das Museum
der verratenen Geheimnisse" at Greifswalder Ukrainicum.
Greifswald, Germany. Alfred Krupp Wissenschaftkolleg. 19.00. |
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21-24.08.2008 |
Oksana Zabuzhko at 15th International Poetry Festival on
Gotland (Sweden). Readings: 21.08, at 19.30 in Visby City
Library; 23.08, at 12.00 in Klintehamn Library. |
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20.04-17.05.2008 |
Oksana Zabuzhko is a Fellow of the International Writers'
Retreat Hawthornden Castle (Scotland) |
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18.01.2008 |
Launching Literary Series "Fashionable Book". Oksana Zabuzhko
in the bookstore "Ye" (Kyiv, Lysenka str., 3). Time: 18.30. |
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10.12.2007 |
Literary Tandem at Brandenburger Tor. Oksana Zabuzhko (Kyiv)
and Fridrich Kroehnke (Berlin) read their travel stories. Max
Lieberman Haus, Berlin-Mitte, Pariser Platz 7. Time: 19.30. |
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09.11.2007 |
Reading at Freiburg Literaturgaspra"ch. Freiburg, Germany, Rathaus. 10.45. |
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November-December 2007 |
Oksana Zabuzhko is a Guest Writer of the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin (Berlin, Germany). |
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02.08 - 08.09.2007 |
Oksana Zabuzhko is a Guest Writer at the Baltic Centre
For Writers and Translators (Visby, Sweden). |
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28.06 - 01.07.2007 |
Participation in the XIIth International Literary
Festival Leukerbad (Switzerland). |
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14 - 17.06.2007 |
Participation in the 2nd Theatre Festival Of
Central&Eastern Europe "Sasiedzi" (Lublin, Poland).
Zabuzhko's talk ("Female Form in Literature") - 15.06,
16.00 (Central Hall). "Field Work In Ukrainian Sex"
(Theater Polonia) - 15.06, 20.00. "Field Work In
Ukrainian Sex" (Halyna Stefanova) - 16.06, 20.00.
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27.04.2007 |
Presentation of the new book "Notre Dame d'Ukraine: Ukrainka in the Clash of Mythologies" (Kyiv, Budynok Vchytelia, 19.00) |
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20.04.2007 |
Press-conference by Oksana Zabuzhko on her forthcoming book "Notre Dame d'Ukraine: Ukrainka in the Clash of Mythologies" (vul. Fizkul'turna, 1, 15-00) |
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20.03.2007 |
Reading at Literaturhaus Basel (Switzerland). |
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1.11. - 30.12.2006 |
Oksana Zabuzhko is a Guest Writer at Krems
Literaturhaus (Austria). Jour fixe for the public:
15.11, 20.00. |
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21.10.2006 |
The Days of Ukrainian Culture in Vienna. Serhij Zhadan,
Askold Melnyczuk, Oksana Zabuzhko. Karlsplatz, 1. 19.00. |
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15-17.09.2006 |
Readings at Sprachsalz 4th International Tirolian Days Of
Literature (Hall, Austria) |
16 - 22 April 2005. |
Oksana Zabuzhko reads from her prose at the World Voices International Literary Festival in New York City. Talks at Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Colorado Colledge.
10 - 14 April 2005. |
participant in the Festival of Ukrainian Literature in Poland (readings in Poznan, Gdansk, Warsaw).
21 March 2005. |
Oksana Zabuzhko opens Poetry Festival Voci del Mondo (Catania,Italy).
October - December 2004. |
Oksana Zabuzhko on Ukrainian events. Read here.
October 10 - November 15, 2003. |
Oksana Zabuzhko stays as a Bogliasco Fellow at Liguria Study Center, Genoa, Italy, working on her new novel "The Museum of Abandoned Secrets"
September 12-14, 2003. |
Lviv. Oksana Zabuzhko presents her book "Sestro, Sestro (Oh Sister, My Sister)" at Publishers Forum, on Saturday, the 13th, at 15.00 (First Ukrainian Youth&Children Theatre). Halyna Stefanova presents her stage version of "Field Work in Ukrainian Sex" at the Small Scene of Zankovetzky Theatre on September 12, 13, 14.
From June, 21 till June, 30 |
Oksana Zabuzhko reads her poetry at the XIII International Poetry Festival at Medellin (Colombia).
July 8 |
Oksana Zabuzhko has a reading at Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (Barker Center, 19.30).
November-December. |
Oksana Zabuzhko stays as writer in residence at the city of Graz (Austria).
May 29, 2003. |
Ivano-Frankivsk. Presentation of Oksana Zabuzhko's book interview (recorded by Taras Prokhasko, "Inshyj Format" series, "Lileja-NV" Publ.) The writer reads and signs her books at Prykarpatsky Unuiversity and cafe "Peters".
On February, 19, 2003, 19.00 |
Oksana Zabuzhko has a reading in Vienna, Austria (Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fur Literatur, Palais Wilczek, Herrengasse 5, 1010 Wien).
February, 26 |
Publishing house "Fact" presents a new book by Oksana Zabuzhko "Sestro, Sestro (Oh Sister, My Sister and Other Stories)" at Kyiv "BUKVA" bookstore (Tolstoho, 3). Beginning at 18.00
March, 3-6 |
Oksana Zabuzhko presents a Polish version of "Polovi doslidzhennia z ukrains'koho seksu" in Warsaw (Polish title "Badania terenowe nad ukrainskim seksem", published by W.A.B, for more information see http://www.wab.com.pl).
March, 6, 18.00 |
- meeting with the author at Ksiegarnia Liber, gmach Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.